@article{Noviana_Nilamsari_2021, title={The Effect Of Physio Ball Exercise On Sitting Balance In Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy: The Effect Of Physio Ball Exercise On Sitting Balance In Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy}, volume={1}, url={https://jurnalfisioindonesia.com/jfi/index.php/jfti/article/view/6}, abstractNote={<p><em>Spastic cerebral palsy is a non-progressive disorders that affect the control of movement and posture caused by lesions in the cerebral cortex that occur before, during, or after childbirth. Sitting balance disorder is one of the functional disorders experienced by child with spastic cerebral palsy. Balance is affected by postural control reaction, namely the head control and trunk stability. </em><em>Postural control is obtained by the integration of sensory systems, motor systems and the nervous system. </em><em>Balance disorders may inhibit ambulatory activity and mobilization in children with spastic cerebral palsy. </em><em>Physio ball exercise is an exercise to improve the response of postural muscles through the sensory proprioseptive input. </em><em>The study aimed to analyze the effect of physio ball exercise on sitting balance in children with spastic cerebral palsy. This research is pre experimental with one group pre-post test design. &nbsp;A Total of 16 samples </em><em>determined by the purposive sampling technique with the inclusion criteria of the children who were diagnosed by spastic cerebral palsy were 1-12 years old and with a measurement value LSS between I-VII. Samples were tread by physio ball exercise with supine, prone and sitting technique for 12 times of intervention. Sitting balance can be described using the level of sitting scale (LSS). The results showed that physio ball exercise are affects the sitting balance on children with spastic cerebral palsy with the significant values of&nbsp; Wilcoxon test is p = 0.001.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>physio ball exercise, sitting balance, spastic cerebral palsy, level of sitting scale </em>(LSS)</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK: </strong>Palsi serebral tipe spastik merupakan kondisi gangguan kontrol gerak dan postur yang bersifat non-progresif akibat lesi pada korteks serebri yang terjadi sebelum, selama atau sesudah proses kelahiran. Gangguan keseimbangan duduk merupakan salah satu gangguan fungsional yang dialami oleh anak palsi serebral tipe spastik. Keseimbangan dipengaruhi oleh reaksi kontrol postural yaitu kontrol kepala dan kestabilan trunk. Kontrol postural diperoleh dari integrasi sistem sensorik, sistem motorik dan sistem saraf. Gangguan keseimbangan dapat menghambat aktivitas ambulasi dan mobilisasi pada anak palsi serebral tipe spastik. <em>Physio ball exercise </em>merupakan latihan untuk meningkatkan respon otot-otot postural melalui <em>input </em>sensoriproprioseptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh <em>physio ball exercise </em>terhadap keseimbangan duduk pada anak palsi serebral tipe spastik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian <em>pre experimental</em> dengan <em>one group pre-post test design</em>. Sampel sebanyak 16 orang ditentukan menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em> dengan kriteria inklusi meliputi anak dengan diagnosa palsi serebral tipe spastik usia 1-12 tahun dengan skor pengukuran LSS berada pada level I-VII. Sampel diberikan <em>physio ball exercise </em>dengan teknik<em> supine, prone dan sitting on physio ball </em>selama 12 kali perlakuan. Data keseimbangan duduk diukur menggunakan <em>level of sitting scale </em>(LSS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian <em>physio ball exercise</em> berpengaruh terhadap keseimbangan duduk pada anak palsi serebral tipe spastik dengan nilai signifikan uji <em>Wilcoxon</em> p=0,001.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> <em>physio ball exercise,</em> keseimbangan duduk, palsi serebral tipe spastik, <em>level of sitting scale </em>(LSS)</p>}, number={1}, journal={Jurnal Fisioterapi Indonesia}, author={Noviana, Mita and Nilamsari, Dwi}, year={2021}, month={Mei} }